Tuesday 16 November 2010

Partner In Crime

AJK mengangkut barang (thumbs up! you've earned yourself a new title!)

   I'm in the mood for shopping! Unfortunately, *turn left and right* I don't have my shopping partner! huhuk.. Where are you when I need you the most? At least it is one of the occasions when I really really need you.. You'll be very very extremely helpful if you were here.. It's just no fun walking and browsing  here and there alone without you being the little devil (of course, a cute lil' devil laa..) 'helping' me making my decision which is undoubtedly to spend my money very 'wisely'. It is consider wisely as I'll end up buying things that are useful for me. Being the cheapskate person that I am, it always takes me a very long time to decide on buying something until at last I will tell myself that I won't be needing that particular item and it's such a waste of money (even though I've been craving for that thing for a looOooOong time or I adore it soOoo soOoo much!) then place it back where I took it before. But somehow I feel that now I'm in the mood for a shopping spree! Waaaaa! It's almost Christmas and well, it is so tempting looking at those SALE and DISCOUNT signs! But having only angel on my right shoulder, nak keluar pegi town pun malas, tengok barang yang dah lama teringin pun jadi tak bernafsu.. In fact, I already took something for myself dah pun tadi, ingat nak beli la present for myself since it has been quite sometime since I last shopping and I certainly could use a new cloth, maklumlaa, dah 'sihat'. But, I wondered around lama gel, just enough time for me to change my mind that I eventually put the knit wear back.*sigh*  If only you were here, mesti ade mood nak g beli barang, tengok barang, window shopping. It will be nice for you either, I mean you'll enjoy going out shopping with me cause I know you like shopping too kan?? and we'll both enjoy each other's company and how could you not enjoy carrying all the shopping bags kan? After all, they all ours, right? mesti banyak hasil kite kan kalau kite kua shopping same2?? huhu~

those bags are his! Never thought a guy could be that shopaholic kan?? :P

thought it suits me, but it doesn't

hugging and taking picture won't waste any of my money, aite?

nash, akak, me and miowmiow after we did some shopping at Cadbury World, Birmingham
note: esok raye! kan best kalau I can be with my family and Miowmiow tomorrow to celebrate the special day :(

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