Thursday 4 November 2010

blog title

    Ok, it is time for random thoughts since this is my very first entry for my new blog (not that i'm too noob to have a blog before). Creating a blog has really makes me think that its not easy to find ourselves a nice, catchy, or just funky title for our blog. If you want to create a blog that truly makes an impact, you want a catchy, relevant title. In fact, we all have struggled to come up with a blog title that seems to fit what we are about. Sometimes, we even have to wonder on more than one occasion what was the inspiration for our title. It just needs a few words and it can only takes a few seconds or minutes to do so but why on earth does it take a lot of a person's time? Its just funny how a person's mind works sometimes. 

    Whatever it is, I think I have to agree with a post which I've recently read, "a good blog title is like a wrapping paper on a present" simply because; line up two presents of equal size and cost. One is wrapped in a newspaper sheet  and the other is wrapped in beautiful shiny paper with exquisite ribbon to match. Which one do you want to open? Well-written content is accompanied by a fabulous title. Not to say that my blog is well-written (baru satu post je kot) but really, those short little words give impact on the content of your blog or simply be eye-catching for people who likes to blog walk. 

With all that quite-lengthy entry for a first post, I still dunno the reason as to why I choose the 'lil bit of this, lil bit of that' for my blog title. lols~

so, whats your blog title?

p/s: thanks to dannymiowmiow for being one of the reasons why I think I should start blogging and you know the reason why :P

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