Saturday 21 May 2011

Every cloud has a silver lining

   Well everybody, it's almost the end of my second year. The three months summer holiday is coming. I should obviously be happy for that. Adding to it, I'm just so close to finishing my last paper. Rather, I'm all stressed up. Again. The feeling is almost as if I have another piled up assignments to do.
   Summer holiday should be one amongst many times of the year that we would be looking forward to, don't you think?  I was very happy few days back, thinking that it's finally time for me to chillax. Well, here's the good news, Is. Dream on. 
   The day after my very last paper, which will be on the 26th May, I will have to attend the individual study sessions. They are actually a preparation class for us, the going-to-be-third year students. T_T

   Not just any preparation, it's particularly to prepare us for our dissertation. In other word, thesis. Erghh. Thesis schemsis. 
   Although it's still a long way to go before the due date, we are obliged to decide and finalise and submit our topic before the 1st June. 
   It might not sound that bad to you. But to me, that's hysterical man! I mean, we will just be finishing our exams by then, how on earth do you expect us to do that. Do you know that choosing a topic for a dissertation alone requires more than just a day. You really have to put a lot of thought before deciding on your topic. It'll be a 10 000 words essay, thus you ought to pick a really interesting topic and something which you believed can be well elaborated concurrently.
   That's not all, I tell you. Apart from submitting the topic, we also need to justify why do we choose the topic, what do we want to find or prove, our ultimate aim, how it could be useful and also to give a list of readings that we'll be doing. 
   Worst is, at the beginning of next term we are expected to already have written statement of objectives, bibliography of approximately fifteen books and journal articles related to the focus of our extended study. And for each book and article, we need to again justify why that book or article is useful for our dissertations. And the list goes on and on. And all that are just a kick start before the authority approve on our topic T_T
   I see darkness. I don't seem to see my blissful holiday yet so far. Though, I'm trying to be optimist here. So, I still believe that there is a silver lining which I will see. I know there will be. Come on, humour me.

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