Thursday, 7 July 2011

Lets go latin!

   I wish that I can learn salsa. Not the food, but the dance. Gosh, I really love to see the moves. But not really sure I'll be able to sway and dance that good. But, what if I can? haha.

   People often say if you can walk, you can salsa. Hey, I can walk! now, lets find a place to learn salsa! A good way to do something I think I like or will like and at the same time, lose some weight. Yayyy!
if I can do this, that'd be aweeesomeeee =)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Que sera sera... But are we really ready?

   In the modern society where everything seems to be more complicated and harder I supposed, everybody seems to cram and cope up with economic demands. Everything seems to be more about wealth and money. People work harder, making sure that they will not have to strive later on in life.

   Oftentimes, people tend to worry much about tomorrow. Everybody starts to be workaholic just to make sure that in the future they will be financially secure. See, how globalisation gives people the feeling of insecurity. 

   But, halt. Is the material needs that important? I can't deny this but, don't you think that there might be some other thing which are as important or maybe more important than this? What about faith??

   As spiritual beings, we should recognise the fact that we were made by God. Who does not only knows the future but holds it.

   Because of our fear of the future, whether we realise it or not, we try to hold for ourselves the things that are supposed to be committed to God. For example, because a student fears the upcoming examinations, he tries to maximize his time for his studies that he forgets or neglects to a lot time for prayer. Because parents fear the future of their children, they tend to work overtime that they tend to neglect their reflection time supposed to be allocated exclusively for God. 

   What an ugly truth, don't you think? We work so hard for the sake of our future. However, I think it's now best that we start to realise that we are not going to live forever. We all agreed that we never know what future the future holds. Thus, we don't even have the slightest idea about when we will die. Yes, maybe we've worked hard enough assure our lifes on earth but what about the hereafter? 

   Yes, I might say that I'm 22 and it's still along way to go for me. After all people say life begins at forty. But, how sure are you that you are still alive at forty? 
   I'll dedicate myself to God once I'm ready. Okay. But when will you be ready? You really think you'll live long enough until you are ready? What if, God forbids, you die before you are ready? Think.

   I'm not saying that we should not work for our future. Nay, in fact we should. We are designed to having material and non-material needs in order for us to keep clinging and depending on God's providence and love. But, lets not forget that we ought to perform our commitment to God as well. Prayer is always the best weapon that man could have.

    It is but proper to plan and to work hard. It is but needed that man find the means of ensuring his future but man should not be driven by the material world. Let us remember that we are created with a soul that also needs to be fed with spiritual blessings from God. We also need strength within that can only be filled by God. We also need to be encouraged, we need comfort, and we need patience and other virtues that will keep us going in spite of the harsh course of life that we may face.

        "Work as if you were going to live hundreds years, pray as if you were to die tomorrow"
   And should I mention that this piece of writing is as a reminder for myself so that I will not forget my priority. And I'm inspired to write this due to some unexpected incidents that happened. And I hope that this will also benefit others, InsyaAllah. I'm not perfect hence, I'm still working towards perfection.


Monday, 4 July 2011

Now everyone can give

   The Messenger of Allah said, "Sadaqah is prescribed for every person everyday the sun rises."

Question: From what do we give sadaqah if we do not possess property? 

   Well, there are many other ways that we can do in order to earn the reward of sadaqah. You do not necessarily need to have financial resources to give sadaqah and definitely, you do not have to be a wealth person in order to perfom this act of kindness. 

   The doors of sadaqah can come in many different ways. Takbir is one of them. Saying Allahuakbar, Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, LailahailAllah, Astagfirullah is part of sadaqah.

   Helping others is indubitably one way of giving sadaqah. Be it helping in terms of lending your hands, guiding a blind, guiding a person to his/her object of need, hurrying with the strength of your legs to one sorrow who is appealing for help or supporting the weak with the strength of your arms. Those are also considered as sadaqah.

   The easiest way to give is by removing thorns, stones or sticks from people paths. Even the slightest gesture; SMILE is part of sadaqah. Saying and producing good words is sadaqah.

   In fact, planting anything from which a person, an animal or anything eats is sadaqah. So, let's dig some soil and start planting something! *wink*

   There are obviously many other things that we can do to earn this reward and they can sometimes be the easiest thing you can do and imagine but they surely reward you well. So, why not, do it. Most importantly, do it sincerely and with the intention to please Allah, insyaAllah. 

Money is not the only thing we can give as sadaqah, lads.